
Our Threes program provides an environment for children to investigate and discover the world around them. Play assumes an important role in providing your child with the daily experiences that make up unique development. Through teacher encouragement and a nurturing environment, our goal is to enhance every child’s social growth, self-esteem and confidence.

If your child would like to stay past regular dismissal, they can join our Enrichment Program, lasting until 2pm.

Typical Day in a Threes Classroom

Much of the day in our three year old program centers on fostering language, expression, self-direction and problem solving. Children are encouraged to make choices and learn to relate to themselves as individuals as well as part of a group.

Our day begins welcoming friends, gathering together to share thoughts and ideas, and listening to our activity plans for the day. Discovery time includes a broad spectrum of activities such as block building, art, dramatic play, music, creative movement, natural science and outdoor play.

Children are exposed to colors, shapes, letters and numbers both in open-ended, hands-on, concrete exploration as well as project based learning experiences.

On our playground, children conclude their day running, jumping, climbing, playing with balls and moving with freedom.

News from the Threes

Scarecrow Fun

  Our hallway is decorated with scarecrows that we made to celebrate the fall harvest season.  Raffia, buttons and scraps of paper gave each one its special character!